Honeycrisp Orchard

Jamie Weyndling & Jill Sigelbaum

Honeycrisp Orchard is located on the Western Slope of Colorado where the altitude and climate of the North Fork Valley creates a growing environment which is unique in North America.  This environment is what gives our organic apples (Honeycrisp, Suncrisp, Jonagold, Fuji, Galas) their amazing taste, crispness and crunch!  It gives our organic peaches a sweetness that can’t be found anywhere else!    

In addition to the natural environment, we carefully monitor the soil for nutrients and add back those that are needed through our irrigation system which is fed with pure snow melt water running off the Grand Mesa mountains.  Investing in and taking care of the land that produces our fruit is an important part of our orchard plan.

Honeycrisp Orchard aims to bring you the highest quality, best tasting, organic fruit.  We leave our fruit on the tree a little bit longer which allows it to grow sweeter.  No wax is applied to the fruit in order for it to reach you looking and feeling like it was just picked from the tree.  Once you try it, you’ll be addicted to fresh, organic, Colorado fruit…the best bite of fruit around!

Netting covers our trees to keep the pests away from the fruit

Aerial view of a portion of the Honeycrisp Orchard